The Magic of pH Master Class

Take your health back with this unique, all-in-one home test kit and mastery course at a special price!

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Product Description

Take your health back with this revolutionary, all-in-one personal health Master Class and pH test kit!*


    • Complete instructions in the Magic of pH full-color, PREMIUM EDITION paperback book AND e-book!
    • Complete audio book on "bite-size" MP3 recordings!
    • The Magic of pH Quick-Start Guide e-book!
    • pH paper Starter Pack with 15 strips and 6 pH-C tablets!
    • Instructional videos, audios, charts, guides, and more on a special, member's-only web site!
    • Learn how your diet is enhancing your health or undermining it!
    • Discover how to evaluate and heal the effects of grief, worry, and fear!
    • You'll receive the complete Magic of pH Master Class, with everything listed above.
    • Plus, you'll have 60 days to decide whether to keep your Magic of pH Master Class!


Order yours now at this special price!


The information contained in The Magic of pH is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

The Magic of pH is a trademark of Whole Life Whole Health, LLC.